Saturday, December 16, 2006

White Island Garbage Installation...

If you have heared of the Butterfly Effect then you would be extra careful for any action you do affects the planet. The issue on Climate Change is alarming, and this is as critical as the"simple flap of butterfly wings that directly affect the Amazon forest." How much energy do we draw from nature everyday, gas, air, water etc.. and what do we give back? Driving a car can cause pollution to the whole island everyday which accumulates in a year enough to kill in an instant. So if we compute the environmental hazard as our regulation fee to detoxify the air, maybe it would require each person to plant at least 5 trees a day, then it might take another 20 years to see results. This is how we all seriously affect the environment.
Do we realize... we are one breathe, one air, one sea, one life...


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